22 Şubat 2013 Cuma
Pankreas Kanseri Tanisi icin biopsi muhakkak gerekirmi?
Pankreas Kanserinde ozellikle erken donemde tani Koymak oldukca zordur.Hastalar bu yuzden tani konduklarinda ancak yuzde 20 olasilikla ameliyat edilebilir safhadadir. Semptomatik hastalarda yani Karin agrisi, kilo kaybi, sarilik vs...tani icin yapilan bilgisayarli tomografide pankreas ta Kitle varsa tani buyuk olasilikla pankreas kanseridir. Bu asamada hastalarin en sik sordugu soru biopsi yapilmalimi ? Yani elimizde tumor tanisi icin kesin bir veri olmasi acisindan biopsi yaptiralim mi? Pankreas Kanserinde biopsi Su durumlarda yapilir; 1. Ameliyat sansi olmayan hastalarda ilac tedavisine baslamak icin 2) Tanisi supheli kitlelerde
Asagida Ingiltere kanser arastirma enstitusunun bu konu ile ilgili gorusunu okuyabilirsiniz;
Why you need a biopsy
The only certain way to diagnose a cancer is by getting a cell sample (biopsy) and looking at the cells under a microscope.
The easiest way to do this is by putting a needle into the area of suspected cancer, and taking out some cells. This can be a problem with cancer of the pancreas. Specialist surgeons do not usually take biopsies by putting a needle in if they think the cancer is removable with surgery (resectable). There is too much of a risk that taking the biopsy could spread pancreatic cancer. If it is likely that your cancer can be removed, then your diagnosis will be made entirely by the doctor examining you and considering the results of your scans and tests. A confirmed diagnosis can be made when you have your surgery.
If you have a cancer that is not removable with surgery, your specialist may want to biopsy it so that you can go on to have cancer treatment to try to slow down its growth. If all your other test results point to cancer and your consultant thinks there is no doubt that this is what you have, you may not need a biopsy before you have treatment.
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